A friend of mine that lives next to a lake recently bought 2 kayaks. We had been talking about spending a day at her new house and so yesterday we woke up around 7am, drove for about 1.5 hours and arrived at her house near Scugog Lake.
Scugog Lake is a very shallow lake, the average depth is 1.5m. There are no big boats around so the water is very quiet. After a quick lunch Ron & I got onto 2 kayaks and took off to explore the lake.

Unfortunately we didn't have any waterproof gear for the camera so we took off without it. I regretted it so much afterward once I realized what I was going to see.
First off, we tried to paddle across the lake to the other side. When we reached the middle of the lake, we stopped. Ron came and grapped my kayak on the side. The sun was shining, cool breeze was blowing gently and the waster was still. We closed our eyes and the air was filled with birds singing everywhere. It was the real surround sound that no sound system can produce. After a short while we went on. As we reached the other side of the lake we saw a guy fishing at the shore line where the marshes were. I was trying to get closer to see but Ron said we better not disturb him. Not far away we found a patch of beautiful yellow pond flowers.

Yellow Pond Lily
I slowly paddled through them, I felt like I was in a dream land. I paddled around and around them and I didn't want to leave. As we went along the shore line we saw other patches of yellow pond flowers. Again I would paddle through them couple times before we went on. Suddenly 10 feet away among the flowers I saw something sticking out briefly and went into the water again.. It's an animal! At first I thought it was a groundhog but then a groundhog wouldn't swim in a lake like this! Just when I was thinking about it the animal came back out again. This time Ron saw it too and we were just stunned watching it. It's a beaver! I saw the tail as it flipped into the water again. I couldn't believe my eyes. I never thought I would see a beaver.

As we paddled closer, the beaver disappeared as I expected. About 10 mins later we came across yet another patch of yellow pond flowers. This time before I even paddled in I saw a black turtle standing on a patch of floating leaves and plants, sun bathing!

By the time I saw the turtle I was already beyond disbelief. I came to do a little kyaking and I ended up seeing all these wonderful creatures! But that was not all. As we were slowly heading back we paddled along one last stretch of marshes. All along Ron wouldn't get as close to the marshes as me because of the possibility of seeing dead fish (we saw a whole lot even in the middle of the lake) and coming in contact with tons of bugs. However this time he was paddling right in front of me next to the marshes. Guess what he saw. A big carp, live one, about 2 feet long, swam right next to him. He gave a little yell with amazement, "Oh look! Fishie!" I said, "Where where??" Then I saw it. The fish came right next to me and stopped for a moment. If I reached for it I could probably touch it. I guess it felt trapped between the marshes and us. It made a quick turn, went back to where Ron was, and zoomed off.

Soon after the fish left, we came to the end of the marshes. I gave one last hard look to see if I could identify anything interesting. There it was, the dessert of our kayaking trip,

This little green frog was standing at the edge of the marshes, again, sun bathing. I gave a little poke at its butt, it jumped but not far. Ron splashed water on it but it wouldn't move again. Apparently the frog enjoyed the sun too much.
It was already 2.5 hours later after we saw all these wonderful things. We paddled back to the dock and my friend and her husband arrived just in time to help us get out of the kayaks.

To be continued...
next time, we can visit them together!!
last time we went, it was so windy and chill. Therefore we couldn't go kayaking!
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