(Mind you, these are the actual bunnies outside my house!! I caught them red handed one night when Ron was driving me home! In fact I see them around all the time during summer!)
Ever since then we didn't put anymore veggies on the ground. The dream of having a veggie garden remained a dream. This pass winter however, I told Ron about my dream. I asked if he could build me a big wooden crate so I can have my veggie garden away from the ground. Ron was not very into gardening so he didn't really know what I was talking about until Spring came and I brought him to Home Depot to show him other similar planting crates. By chance we bumped into these huge aged whisky barrels. They were sold at a good price Ron wouldn't have to go through the trouble of building anything! So we bought them without much 2nd thought. Even though they seemed all ready to use, we still had to drill some holes at the bottom for drainage, buy loose rocks to put underneath and inside the barrels (4" inside 4" outside). So this pass weekend Ron spent more than 6 hours buying rocks, digging up a section of the grass to settle the barrels, drilling holes, and putting top soil in every barrels.
Finally today after work I rushed home and planted all my seeds and plants.

Thank you my dearest for making yet another dream of mine, come true.
Rabbits do multiply as fast as rabbits do.
Apparently, the newspaper said Rabbits were multiplying so fast that it's over running Toronto. Not that other way around, like getting run over by cars. (I am just kidding about the car thing)
I wonder if we can catch one and bring it home. Or catch alot of them and sell them to pet stores :)
hahahaha.......there are rabbits living under my deck as well. One time, Molly and the rabbit stared at each other for like few minutes. Molly was so scared.
Homeowners in a stew about rabbits TheStar.com - News - Homeowners in a stew about rabbits
May 08, 2007
Curtis Rush
Staff Reporter
Under cover of darkness, a menace is haunting local backyards.
It respects no fences, lays waste to flower beds and ravages vegetable plots. Come morning, homeowners shake with rage.
The villain's name? Peter Cottontail.
Rabbits multiply every spring. This year, a bunny boom is causing a spike in complaints to animal control.
"The rabbit population has boomed," said Colleen Gyergyai of the Oakville Humane Society. "It's everywhere from Oakville to Milton."
Gyergyai gets at least 30 calls a day from people hopping mad about rabbits eating through their gardens and garbage.
In a normal year, the society registers just three complaints a day.
What's behind the uptick? A corresponding decline in the natural predators that help keep bunny numbers at bay.
A local bout of mange five years ago wiped out fox and coyote populations. No one tracks their numbers but experts say the two species have yet to recover.
"From about 1997 to 2000, that's when the fox population in the GTA was at its peak," said John Almond of the Ministry of Natural Resources. "We were getting lots of calls from residents saying a fox or coyote had taken their cat. Sightings were way up."
The bunny boom seems greatest in the west end, according to Gyergyai and David Lake of Burlington animal control. But wildlife workers across the GTA have taken note.
"Based on calls we're getting, (the rabbit population) increased about 25 per cent," said Brad Gage, owner of AAA Wildlife Control in Toronto.
"Gardeners can become very upset when they come out in the morning and see their expensive plants chewed down," said Gage, who gets at least 10 calls a day about rabbits.
With the foxes away, it's up to experts like Gage to help homeowners contend with the fluffy menace.
He chases bunnies out of their holes by installing one-way doors, then seals the holes.
It's illegal to trap or move rabbits but spraying Gyergyai's non-lethal repellent on your garden and shrubs could discourage them. Add a chopped Spanish onion and jalapeƱo pepper to about two litres of water. Add a tablespoon of cayenne pepper and boil. Let cool, and strain liquid into a spray bottle.
Time for rabbit hotpot!! HEHEHEE (Evil grins)
You know between fox and bunnies, I rather have bunnies. At least they are cute and they aren't offensive. We can still find ways to keep them out from plants. I rather seeing them everywhere than kill the species.
yes, bunnies are very cute...and harmless...have a heart! we just want to find food...we mean no harm.
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