Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bedtime Story Episode Four

Being so close in proximity could be very sweet, but sometimes tragedy would happen too.

It was one of the good nights.
Ronald wasn't snoring. He had the whole comforter but I had my backup so it was fine. I was sleeping on my side and he had his head on his pillow too! Everything was going so well and we were both fast asleep.
While Ronald was having his sweet dreams, he decided to lift his hand and put it behind his head. It must be a very comfortable position with the soft memory foam pillow supporting his albow, pointing at my head. Obviously he didn't put in any thoughts to the potential danger he was creating. I was facing the other way so I had no idea what he was doing.

Then it happened.
I decided to turn my head and BANG! The side of my head went straight toward his elbow.
I was awaken in pain while he bounced up from bed wondering what happened.
Then a series of event took place. He first realized I hit my head to his elbow. Then he realized he was sleeping right in the middle of the bed. While backing off he also found out that the whole comforter was on his side. Although I was wailing, it was funny to watch him busy trying to put everything back in order and saying Sorries to me at the same time.
It's just sooo cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol you guys are so cute... u know I had the same problem with my hubby too, actually it was even worst... there was one time that my hubby punched me in the nose, haha, imagine how painful it is, I said "OUCH" so loud and he woke up and saw me covering my nose in both hands, tears in my eyes...